
IT Security Services

Penetrasyon (Sızma) Testleri DoS / DDoS, Performans ve Yük Testleri Kaynak Kod Güvenlik Denetimi Hizmeti Sistem Güvenliği Hizmeti Web ve Mobil Uygulama Güvenlik Testleri Zararlı Yazılım (Malware) Analizi Bilgi Güvenliği Proje Yönetimi Hizmeti ISO 27001 (BGYS) Kurulum ve Yönetimi

IT Security Services

How Do We Work?


Product-Independent Service

We provide security solutions for your organization's security with minimum cost, without requiring any specific product or software.


Penetration Testing

We simulate potential attacks from inside or outside your system to assess its current state.


Risk Consulting

We prepare risk reports for your organization, enabling you to take direct precautions against existing or potential threats.


Project Management Service

We provide project management services for information security, ensuring the control of relevant systems, and the installation and integration of devices.

What Do We Do?

With the advancing technology and the increasing use of the internet, we provide support in the areas your organization needs against cyber attacks, which have become a powerful weapon.

We offer custom service packages based on the consultations conducted within the scope of consultancy.
We provide services to detect malware and existing threats in the internal network of the current system.
We identify the precautions your organization needs to take against advancing technology, address deficiencies, and ensure the continuity of your workflow.
We identify the deficiencies of your personnel in information security, provide necessary training, and minimize risks.